Ruth Littler

I help high achievers maintain peak performance and experience feeling healthy, joyful and fulfilled.

Transformative Personal Growth Program       

Have you ever thought something was missing, felt unfulfilled despite striving or not tasted any joy in your accomplishments or life? Here is a six-month transformative personal growth program that is not just information. It's transformation over 24 weeks to feel fulfilled, have better health and have satisfying intimate relationships, live authentically and freely. You will see what you are searching for is within you.

Peter Sage, a Personal Transformative and Self Mastery Expert, provides the education. Advanced learning techniques, weekly accountability, live Q & sessions, and support occurs throughout the 24 weeks. . Every week you will master your emotions and eliminate subconscious limiting beliefs, connect with parts of yourself and what may be missing in your life. By completing this program, you will show up in life at a deeper level of fulfilment and joy. When you graduate you will be part of a private group of Elite Mentorship Forum Alumni.

EMF Syllabus

Phase 1 Foundation & Reinvention

Ruth Littler

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Setting yourself up to WIN

In this launch module Peter welcomes you to the programme and explains how to set yourself up to win. He explains the program and how we go deeper by using his famous 4-question framework: Why? What? How? And What if? (3 weeks)

Ruth Littler

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Ruling Reality. How the world actually works

Module 1 explains the proven principles for how reality (as we know it) is created and the true science behind it. (2 weeks)

Ruth Littler

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Learning Genius. Mastering the journey to mastery

Develop a system that will guide you to elevated levels of learning and behaviour, creating a faster pathway to excellence in everything you do. (2 weeks)

Ruth Littler

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Wealth & Abundance. Creating powerful prosperity

Eradicate all limiting beliefs around money, and use these powerful principles and exercises to immediately start creating more abundance in your life. (2 weeks)

Ruth Littler

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Mastering Emotions. Key to living life on your term

Mastery of emotional response is the key separator between those who live their life at cause’ rather than ‘effect.’ This module teaches specific techniques for instantly disarming negative emotions and the re-patterning of previous negative emotional triggers, so they can never sabotage you again. (2 weeks)

Ruth Littler

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Mastering Relationships. Four pathways to greatness

Most of our dysfunctional traits can be traced back to the Four Primary Relationships in Life. Learn how to have healthy, functional relationships in all four areas, with incredible insights never taught in formal education. (2 weeks)

Phase 2 Purpose & Direction

Ruth Littler

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Powerful Concentration. Developing laser like focus

Learning to concentrate is the primary skill that underpins the most successful people in history, and allows us to focus on and achieve the impossible. Being able to bring your entire focus to one thing for an extended period of time separates those who lead versus those who follow. Master this one area and everything else shifts – massively! (2 weeks)

Ruth Littler

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Authenticity. Discovering the real you

Authenticity is often found to be the biggest secret to living, as revealed to people at the end of their life. Learning how to live authentically is the fabric from which the cloth of Through-Me is woven. People, paths and opportunities present themselves effortlessly when one lives from a place that is authentic. (2 weeks)

Ruth Littler

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Goals Reinvented. A new future is always available

How goal setting is taught in most areas of traditional personal development guarantees frustration and wasted energy. Goals Reinvented is the most powerful set of insights and principles on goal setting ever assembled, and will change everything you thought you knew about achieving exactly what you want. (2 weeks)

Ruth Littler

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Becoming Majestic.
Solving the multiple personality puzzle

Do you ever feel like there is more than one person living inside your head? Are there parts of you that you try to ignore? What if you could see and understand them energetically and have them work together rather than compete for who is running the show? This module peels back the layers to dig deep and align every part of you.

Phase 3 Your Relationships with life

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Mirror Mirror. Dissecting your psychology

The road map that guides human beings to a life of joy or a life of stress, via their own personal psychology, is often shrouded in confusion and outdated models. Module 10 provides the understanding, once and for all, as to why you do what you do, both at a conscious and unconscious level and explains why, despite their best intentions, so many people are programmed for failure. (2 weeks)

Ruth Littler

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New You. Rebuilding your psychology

Once you have understood the building blocks of your mind, and how they are wired together, it is time to rebuild. Designing your own mind from the ground up is one of the most permanently empowering feats you could ever accomplish. (2 weeks)

Ruth Littler

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Soul Path.
Exploring advanced levels of consciousness

Understanding is limited not to intelligence but to our level of consciousness. In Soul Path, Peter moves beyond his ‘4-Levels’ model into a deeper, advanced look at your consciousness as he guides you through the nuances spanning 16 different levels. Once you understand this module be prepared to be empowered in ways you could never have previously imagined. (2 weeks)

Ruth Littler

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Your Legacy. Living the life you were born to live!

Power flows to those who are living their mission. Getting in touch with your ‘True North’ and aligning your life to something bigger than ‘You’ is the cornerstone to a life of passion, purpose and true fulfilment.

Graduation Invitation to be in the Elite Mentorship Forum Alumni, a fantastic Private Peer Group to continually grow and contribute to each other’s personal growth and raise global consciousness.

Live From the Inside Out
Believe healing has already happened!

Are you sick of being sick and tired? Are you looking to heal, reclaim your health and be vibrant? You will be inspired to learn how magnificent the body works, restores and repairs itself.

The information is supported by Biblical Scripture and research from Epigenetics, New Biology, Nutrition, and Resilience. This is so needed now as we are in the midst of a global epidemic of chronic diseases and pain, cancer, depression, diabetes, heart, lung and kidney disease.

It is my hope that my story in Live from the Inside Out will clarify the importance of you advocating for yourself to reclaim your health.

This book will reveal how the lights of genes get turned off, causing health problems and what you can do to repair your DNA. Our Creator has left us a road map to keep the lights on our genes and how to turn them on for optimum health.

You will discover changes in health occur when we believe and imagine that healing has already happened. The health we are searching for is already inside us.